Source code for gsi.views_card_runid_csid

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from datetime import datetime

from annoying.decorators import render_to
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from  django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect

from gsi.models import CardSequence
from gsi.gsi_forms import CardSequenceCardForm
from cards.models import (QRF, RFScore, Remap, YearFilter, Collate, PreProc,
                          MergeCSV, RFTrain, RandomForest, CalcStats, CardItem)
from cards.cards_forms import (QRFForm, RFScoreForm, RemapForm, YearFilterForm, CollateForm,
								PreProcForm, MergeCSVForm, RFTrainForm, RandomForestForm, CalcStatsForm)
from cards.card_update_create import (qrf_update_create, rfscore_update_create, remap_update_create,
										year_filter_update_create, collate_update_create, preproc_update_create,
										mergecsv_update_create, rftrain_update_create, randomforest_update_create,
from core.get_post import get_post
from core.utils import update_list_files

[docs]def cs_runid_csid_qrf_edit(request, run_id, cs_id, card_id, qrf_id): """**View for to edit QRF card of the CardSequence model.** :Arguments: * *request:* The request is sent to the server when processing the page * *run_id*: ID of the RunBase * *cs_id*: ID of the CardSequence * *card_id*: ID of the card of the CardSequence model * *qrf_id*: ID of the object of the CardItem model """ title = 'QRF Card Edit' qrf_card = get_object_or_404(QRF, pk=qrf_id) content_type = get_object_or_404(ContentType, app_label='cards', model='qrf') card_sequence = get_object_or_404(CardSequence, pk=cs_id) try: card_item = get_object_or_404(CardItem, object_id=qrf_id, content_type=content_type) card_sequence_card = url_form = 'cs_runid_csid_qrf_edit' template_name = 'gsi/_cs_qrf_form.html' func = qrf_update_create # add two forms form_1 = CardSequenceCardForm(instance=card_sequence_card) form_2 = QRFForm(instance=qrf_card) # create a variable dictionary REVERSE_URL which keep: name of card, the button name and url forwarding REVERSE_URL = { 'qrf': {'save_button': ['card_sequence_update', [run_id, cs_id]], 'save_and_continue': ['cs_runid_csid_qrf_edit', [run_id, cs_id, card_id]], 'cancel_button': ['card_sequence_update', [run_id, cs_id]]}, } # Handling POST request if request.method == "POST": cs_form = [CardSequenceCardForm, card_sequence_card, card_item] response = get_post(request, QRFForm, 'QRF Card', REVERSE_URL['qrf'], func, args=True, item_id=qrf_id, cs_form=cs_form) if response == None: return HttpResponseRedirect( u'%s?danger_message=%s' % (reverse('cs_runid_csid_qrf_edit', args=[run_id, cs_id, card_id, qrf_id]), (u"QRF Card with the same name already exists")) ) if isinstance(response, HttpResponseRedirect): return response else: form_2 = response except ObjectDoesNotExist: return HttpResponseRedirect( u'%s?danger_message=%s' % (reverse('card_sequence_update', args=[run_id, cs_id]), (u'The RFTrain Card "{0}" was removed from Card Sequence "{1}"'.format(, ))) data = { 'title': title, 'form_1': form_1, 'form_2': form_2, 'card_id': qrf_id, 'url_form': url_form, 'template_name': template_name, 'run_id': run_id, 'cs_id': cs_id, 'card': card_id, } return data
@login_required @render_to('cards/runid_csid_card.html')
[docs]def cs_runid_csid_rfscore_edit(request, run_id, cs_id, card_id, rfscore_id): """**View for to edit RFScore card of the CardSequence model.** :Arguments: * *request:* The request is sent to the server when processing the page * *run_id*: ID of the RunBase * *cs_id*: ID of the CardSequence * *card_id*: ID of the card of the CardSequence model * *rfscore_id*: ID of the object of the CardItem model """ title = 'RFScore Card Edit' rfscore_card = get_object_or_404(RFScore, pk=rfscore_id) content_type = get_object_or_404(ContentType, app_label='cards', model='rfscore') card_sequence = get_object_or_404(CardSequence, pk=cs_id) try: card_item = get_object_or_404(CardItem, object_id=rfscore_id, content_type=content_type) card_sequence_card = url_form = 'cs_runid_csid_rfscore_edit' template_name = 'gsi/_cs_rfscore_form.html' func = rfscore_update_create # add two forms form_1 = CardSequenceCardForm(instance=card_sequence_card) form_2 = RFScoreForm(instance=rfscore_card) # create a variable dictionary REVERSE_URL which keep: name of card, the button name and url forwarding REVERSE_URL = { 'rfscore': {'save_button': ['card_sequence_update', [run_id, cs_id]], 'save_and_continue': ['cs_runid_csid_rfscore_edit', [run_id, cs_id, card_id]], 'cancel_button': ['card_sequence_update', [run_id, cs_id]]}, } # Handling POST request if request.method == "POST": cs_form = [CardSequenceCardForm, card_sequence_card, card_item] response = get_post(request, RFScoreForm, 'RFScore Card', REVERSE_URL['rfscore'], func, args=True, item_id=rfscore_id, cs_form=cs_form) if response == None: return HttpResponseRedirect( u'%s?danger_message=%s' % (reverse('cs_runid_csid_rfscore_edit', args=[run_id, cs_id, card_id, rfscore_id]), (u"RFScore Card with the same name already exists")) ) if isinstance(response, HttpResponseRedirect): return response else: form_2 = response except ObjectDoesNotExist: return HttpResponseRedirect( u'%s?danger_message=%s' % (reverse('card_sequence_update', args=[run_id, cs_id]), (u'The RFTrain Card "{0}" was removed from Card Sequence "{1}"'.format(, ))) data = { 'title': title, 'form_1': form_1, 'form_2': form_2, 'card_id': rfscore_id, 'url_form': url_form, 'template_name': template_name, 'run_id': run_id, 'cs_id': cs_id, 'card': card_id, } return data
@login_required @render_to('cards/runid_csid_card.html')
[docs]def cs_runid_csid_remap_edit(request, run_id, cs_id, card_id, remap_id): """**View for to edit Remap card of the CardSequence model.** :Arguments: * *request:* The request is sent to the server when processing the page * *run_id*: ID of the RunBase * *cs_id*: ID of the CardSequence * *card_id*: ID of the card of the CardSequence model * *remap_id*: ID of the object of the CardItem model """ title = 'Remap Card Edit' remap_card = get_object_or_404(Remap, pk=remap_id) content_type = get_object_or_404(ContentType, app_label='cards', model='remap') card_sequence = get_object_or_404(CardSequence, pk=cs_id) try: card_item = get_object_or_404(CardItem, object_id=remap_id, content_type=content_type) card_sequence_card = url_form = 'cs_runid_csid_remap_edit' template_name = 'gsi/_cs_remap_form.html' func = remap_update_create # add two forms form_1 = CardSequenceCardForm(instance=card_sequence_card) form_2 = RemapForm(instance=remap_card) # create a variable dictionary REVERSE_URL which keep: name of card, the button name and url forwarding REVERSE_URL = { 'remap': {'save_button': ['card_sequence_update', [run_id, cs_id]], 'save_and_continue': ['cs_runid_csid_remap_edit', [run_id, cs_id, card_id]], 'cancel_button': ['card_sequence_update', [run_id, cs_id]]}, } # Handling POST request if request.method == "POST": cs_form = [CardSequenceCardForm, card_sequence_card, card_item] response = get_post(request, RemapForm, 'Remap Card', REVERSE_URL['remap'], func, args=True, item_id=remap_id, cs_form=cs_form) if response == None: return HttpResponseRedirect( u'%s?danger_message=%s' % (reverse('cs_runid_csid_remap_edit', args=[run_id, cs_id, card_id, remap_id]), (u"Remap Card with the same name already exists")) ) if isinstance(response, HttpResponseRedirect): return response else: form_2 = response except ObjectDoesNotExist: return HttpResponseRedirect( u'%s?danger_message=%s' % (reverse('card_sequence_update', args=[run_id, cs_id]), (u'The RFTrain Card "{0}" was removed from Card Sequence "{1}"'.format(, ))) data = { 'title': title, 'form_1': form_1, 'form_2': form_2, 'card_id': remap_id, 'url_form': url_form, 'template_name': template_name, 'run_id': run_id, 'cs_id': cs_id, 'card': card_id, } return data
@login_required @render_to('cards/runid_csid_card.html')
[docs]def cs_runid_csid_year_filter_edit(request, run_id, cs_id, card_id, yf_id): """**View for to edit YearFilter card of the CardSequence model.** :Arguments: * *request:* The request is sent to the server when processing the page * *run_id*: ID of the RunBase * *cs_id*: ID of the CardSequence * *card_id*: ID of the card of the CardSequence model * *yf_id*: ID of the object of the CardItem model """ title = 'YearFilter Card Edit' year_filter_card = get_object_or_404(YearFilter, pk=yf_id) content_type = get_object_or_404(ContentType, app_label='cards', model='yearfilter') card_sequence = get_object_or_404(CardSequence, pk=cs_id) try: card_item = get_object_or_404(CardItem, object_id=yf_id, content_type=content_type) card_sequence_card = url_form = 'cs_runid_csid_year_filter_edit' template_name = 'gsi/_cs_year_filter_form.html' func = year_filter_update_create # add two forms form_1 = CardSequenceCardForm(instance=card_sequence_card) form_2 = YearFilterForm(instance=year_filter_card) REVERSE_URL = { 'year_filter': {'save_button': ['card_sequence_update', [run_id, cs_id]], 'save_and_continue': ['cs_runid_csid_year_filter_edit', [run_id, cs_id, card_id]], 'cancel_button': ['card_sequence_update', [run_id, cs_id]]}, } # Handling POST request if request.method == "POST": cs_form = [CardSequenceCardForm, card_sequence_card, card_item] response = get_post(request, YearFilterForm, 'YearFilter Card', REVERSE_URL['year_filter'], func, args=True, item_id=yf_id, cs_form=cs_form) if response == None: return HttpResponseRedirect( u'%s?danger_message=%s' % (reverse('cs_runid_csid_year_filter_edit', args=[run_id, cs_id, card_id, yf_id]), (u"YearFilter Card with the same name already exists")) ) if isinstance(response, HttpResponseRedirect): return response else: form_2 = response except ObjectDoesNotExist: return HttpResponseRedirect( u'%s?danger_message=%s' % (reverse('card_sequence_update', args=[run_id, cs_id]), (u'The RFTrain Card "{0}" was removed from Card Sequence "{1}"'.format(, ))) data = { 'title': title, 'form_1': form_1, 'form_2': form_2, 'card_id': yf_id, 'url_form': url_form, 'template_name': template_name, 'run_id': run_id, 'cs_id': cs_id, 'card': card_id, } return data
@login_required @render_to('cards/runid_csid_card.html')
[docs]def cs_runid_csid_collate_edit(request, run_id, cs_id, card_id, collate_id): """**View for to edit Collate card of the CardSequence model.** :Arguments: * *request:* The request is sent to the server when processing the page * *run_id*: ID of the RunBase * *cs_id*: ID of the CardSequence * *card_id*: ID of the card of the CardSequence model * *collate_id*: ID of the object of the CardItem model """ title = 'Collate Card Edit' collate_card = get_object_or_404(Collate, pk=collate_id) content_type = get_object_or_404(ContentType, app_label='cards', model='collate') card_sequence = get_object_or_404(CardSequence, pk=cs_id) available_files = ListTestFiles.objects.filter( input_data_directory=collate_card.input_data_directory).exclude( id__in=collate_card.input_files.values_list('id', flat=True)) chosen_files = collate_card.input_files.filter(input_data_directory=collate_card.input_data_directory) available_files = available_files.order_by('name') chosen_files = chosen_files.order_by('name') try: card_item = get_object_or_404(CardItem, object_id=collate_id, content_type=content_type) card_sequence_card = url_form = 'cs_runid_csid_collate_edit' template_name = 'gsi/_cs_collate_form.html' func = collate_update_create # add two forms form_1 = CardSequenceCardForm(instance=card_sequence_card) form_2 = CollateForm(instance=collate_card) # create a variable dictionary REVERSE_URL which keep: name of card, the button name and url forwarding REVERSE_URL = { 'collate': {'save_button': ['card_sequence_update', [run_id, cs_id]], 'save_and_continue': ['cs_runid_csid_collate_edit', [run_id, cs_id, card_id]], 'cancel_button': ['card_sequence_update', [run_id, cs_id]]}, } # Handling POST request if request.method == "POST": if request.POST.get('update_data') is not None: update_list_files(collate_card.input_data_directory) cs_form = [CardSequenceCardForm, card_sequence_card, card_item] response = get_post(request, CollateForm, 'Collate Card', REVERSE_URL['collate'], func, args=True, item_id=collate_id, cs_form=cs_form) if response == None: return HttpResponseRedirect( u'%s?danger_message=%s' % (reverse('cs_runid_csid_collate_edit', args=[run_id, cs_id, card_id, collate_id]), (u"Collate Card with the same name already exists")) ) if isinstance(response, HttpResponseRedirect): return response else: form_2 = response except ObjectDoesNotExist: return HttpResponseRedirect( u'%s?danger_message=%s' % (reverse('card_sequence_update', args=[run_id, cs_id]), (u'The RFTrain Card "{0}" was removed from Card Sequence "{1}"'.format(, ))) data = { 'title': title, 'form_1': form_1, 'form_2': form_2, 'card_id': collate_id, 'url_form': url_form, 'template_name': template_name, 'run_id': run_id, 'cs_id': cs_id, 'card': card_id, 'available_files': available_files, 'chosen_files': chosen_files, } return data
@login_required @render_to('cards/runid_csid_card.html')
[docs]def cs_runid_csid_preproc_edit(request, run_id, cs_id, card_id, preproc_id): """**View for to edit PreProc card of the CardSequence model.** :Arguments: * *request:* The request is sent to the server when processing the page * *run_id*: ID of the RunBase * *cs_id*: ID of the CardSequence * *card_id*: ID of the card of the CardSequence model * *preproc_id*: ID of the object of the CardItem model """ title = 'PreProc Card Edit' preproc_card = get_object_or_404(PreProc, pk=preproc_id) content_type = get_object_or_404(ContentType, app_label='cards', model='preproc') card_sequence = get_object_or_404(CardSequence, pk=cs_id) try: card_item = get_object_or_404(CardItem, object_id=preproc_id, content_type=content_type) card_sequence_card = url_form = 'cs_runid_csid_preproc_edit' template_name = 'gsi/_cs_preproc_form.html' func = preproc_update_create # add two forms form_1 = CardSequenceCardForm(instance=card_sequence_card) form_2 = PreProcForm(instance=preproc_card) # create a variable dictionary REVERSE_URL which keep: name of card, the button name and url forwarding REVERSE_URL = { 'preproc': {'save_button': ['card_sequence_update', [run_id, cs_id]], 'save_and_continue': ['cs_runid_csid_preproc_edit', [run_id, cs_id, card_id]], 'cancel_button': ['card_sequence_update', [run_id, cs_id]]}, } # Handling POST request if request.method == "POST": cs_form = [CardSequenceCardForm, card_sequence_card, card_item] response = get_post(request, PreProcForm, 'PreProc Card', REVERSE_URL['preproc'], func, args=True, item_id=preproc_id, cs_form=cs_form) if response == None: return HttpResponseRedirect( u'%s?danger_message=%s' % (reverse('cs_runid_csid_preproc_edit', args=[run_id, cs_id, card_id, preproc_id]), (u"PreProc Card with the same name already exists")) ) if isinstance(response, HttpResponseRedirect): return response else: form_2 = response except ObjectDoesNotExist: return HttpResponseRedirect( u'%s?danger_message=%s' % (reverse('card_sequence_update', args=[run_id, cs_id]), (u'The RFTrain Card "{0}" was removed from Card Sequence "{1}"'.format(, ))) data = { 'title': title, 'form_1': form_1, 'form_2': form_2, 'card_id': preproc_id, 'url_form': url_form, 'template_name': template_name, 'run_id': run_id, 'cs_id': cs_id, 'card': card_id, } return data
@login_required @render_to('cards/runid_csid_card.html')
[docs]def cs_runid_csid_mergecsv_edit(request, run_id, cs_id, card_id, mcsv_id): """**View for to edit MergeCSV card of the CardSequence model.** :Arguments: * *request:* The request is sent to the server when processing the page * *run_id*: ID of the RunBase * *cs_id*: ID of the CardSequence * *card_id*: ID of the card of the CardSequence model * *mcsv_id*: ID of the object of the CardItem model """ title = 'MergeCSV Card Edit' mergecsv_card = get_object_or_404(MergeCSV, pk=mcsv_id) content_type = get_object_or_404(ContentType, app_label='cards', model='mergecsv') card_sequence = get_object_or_404(CardSequence, pk=cs_id) try: card_item = get_object_or_404(CardItem, object_id=mcsv_id, content_type=content_type) card_sequence_card = url_form = 'cs_runid_csid_mergecsv_edit' template_name = 'gsi/_cs_mergecsv_form.html' func = mergecsv_update_create # add two forms form_1 = CardSequenceCardForm(instance=card_sequence_card) form_2 = MergeCSVForm(instance=mergecsv_card) # create a variable dictionary REVERSE_URL which keep: name of card, the button name and url forwarding REVERSE_URL = { 'mergecsv': {'save_button': ['card_sequence_update',[run_id, cs_id]], 'save_and_continue': ['cs_runid_csid_mergecsv_edit', [run_id, cs_id, card_id, mcsv_id]], 'cancel_button': ['card_sequence_update', [run_id, cs_id]]}, } # Handling POST request if request.method == "POST": cs_form = [CardSequenceCardForm, card_sequence_card, card_item] response = get_post(request, MergeCSVForm, 'MergeCSV Card', REVERSE_URL['mergecsv'], func, args=True, item_id=mcsv_id, cs_form=cs_form) if response == None: return HttpResponseRedirect( u'%s?danger_message=%s' % (reverse('cs_runid_csid_mergecsv_edit', args=[run_id, cs_id, card_id, mcsv_id]), (u"MergeCSV Card with the same name already exists")) ) if isinstance(response, HttpResponseRedirect): return response else: form_2 = response except ObjectDoesNotExist: return HttpResponseRedirect( u'%s?danger_message=%s' % (reverse('card_sequence_update', args=[run_id, cs_id]), (u'The RFTrain Card "{0}" was removed from Card Sequence "{1}"'.format(, ))) data = { 'title': title, 'form_1': form_1, 'form_2': form_2, 'card_id': mcsv_id, 'url_form': url_form, 'template_name': template_name, 'run_id': run_id, 'cs_id': cs_id, 'card': card_id, } return data
@login_required @render_to('cards/runid_csid_card.html')
[docs]def cs_runid_csid_rftrain_edit(request, run_id, cs_id, card_id, rftrain_id): """**View for to edit RFTrain card of the CardSequence model.** :Arguments: * *request:* The request is sent to the server when processing the page * *run_id*: ID of the RunBase * *cs_id*: ID of the CardSequence * *card_id*: ID of the card of the CardSequence model * *rftrain_id*: ID of the object of the CardItem model """ title = 'RFTrain Card Edit' rftrain_card = get_object_or_404(RFTrain, pk=rftrain_id) content_type = get_object_or_404(ContentType, app_label='cards', model='rftrain') card_sequence = get_object_or_404(CardSequence, pk=cs_id) try: card_item = get_object_or_404(CardItem, object_id=rftrain_id, content_type=content_type) card_sequence_card = url_form = 'cs_runid_csid_rftrain_edit' template_name = 'gsi/_cs_rftrain_form.html' func = rftrain_update_create # add two forms form_1 = CardSequenceCardForm(instance=card_sequence_card) form_2 = RFTrainForm(instance=rftrain_card) # create a variable dictionary REVERSE_URL which keep: name of card, the button name and url forwarding REVERSE_URL = { 'rftrain': {'save_button': ['card_sequence_update', [run_id, cs_id]], 'save_and_continue': ['cs_runid_csid_rftrain_edit', [run_id, cs_id, card_id]], 'cancel_button': ['card_sequence_update', [run_id, cs_id]]}, } # Handling POST request if request.method == "POST": cs_form = [CardSequenceCardForm, card_sequence_card, card_item] response = get_post(request, RFTrainForm, 'RFTrain Card', REVERSE_URL['rftrain'], func, args=True, item_id=rftrain_id, cs_form=cs_form) if response == None: return HttpResponseRedirect( u'%s?danger_message=%s' % (reverse('cs_runid_csid_rftrain_edit', args=[run_id, cs_id, card_id, rftrain_id]), (u"RFTrain Card with the same name already exists")) ) if isinstance(response, HttpResponseRedirect): return response else: form_2 = response except ObjectDoesNotExist: return HttpResponseRedirect( u'%s?danger_message=%s' % (reverse('card_sequence_update', args=[run_id, cs_id]), (u'The RFTrain Card "{0}" was removed from Card Sequence "{1}"'.format(, ))) data = { 'title': title, 'form_1': form_1, 'form_2': form_2, 'card_id': rftrain_id, 'url_form': url_form, 'template_name': template_name, 'run_id': run_id, 'cs_id': cs_id, 'card': card_id, } return data
@login_required @render_to('cards/runid_csid_card.html')
[docs]def cs_runid_csid_randomforest_edit(request, run_id, cs_id, card_id, rf_id): """**View for to edit RandomForest card of the CardSequence model.** :Arguments: * *request:* The request is sent to the server when processing the page * *run_id*: ID of the RunBase * *cs_id*: ID of the CardSequence * *card_id*: ID of the card of the CardSequence model * *rf_id*: ID of the object of the CardItem model """ title = 'RandomForest Card Edit' randomforest_card = get_object_or_404(RandomForest, pk=rf_id) content_type = get_object_or_404(ContentType, app_label='cards', model='randomforest') card_sequence = get_object_or_404(CardSequence, pk=cs_id) try: card_item = get_object_or_404(CardItem, object_id=rf_id, content_type=content_type) card_sequence_card = url_form = 'cs_runid_csid_randomforest_edit' template_name = 'gsi/_cs_randomforest_form.html' func = randomforest_update_create # add two forms form_1 = CardSequenceCardForm(instance=card_sequence_card) form_2 = RandomForestForm(instance=randomforest_card) # create a variable dictionary REVERSE_URL which keep: name of card, the button name and url forwarding REVERSE_URL = { 'randomforest': {'save_button': ['card_sequence_update', [run_id, cs_id]], 'save_and_continue': ['cs_runid_csid_randomforest_edit', [run_id, cs_id, card_id]], 'cancel_button': ['card_sequence_update', [run_id, cs_id]]} } # Handling POST request if request.method == "POST": cs_form = [CardSequenceCardForm, card_sequence_card, card_item] response = get_post(request, RandomForestForm, 'RandomForest Card', REVERSE_URL['randomforest'], func, args=True, item_id=rf_id, cs_form=cs_form) if response == None: return HttpResponseRedirect( u'%s?danger_message=%s' % (reverse('cs_runid_csid_randomforest_edit', args=[run_id, cs_id, card_id, rf_id]), (u"RandomForest Card with the same name already exists")) ) if isinstance(response, HttpResponseRedirect): return response else: form_2 = response except ObjectDoesNotExist: return HttpResponseRedirect( u'%s?danger_message=%s' % (reverse('card_sequence_update', args=[run_id, cs_id]), (u'The RFTrain Card "{0}" was removed from Card Sequence "{1}"'.format(, ))) data = { 'title': title, 'form_1': form_1, 'form_2': form_2, 'card_id': rf_id, 'url_form': url_form, 'template_name': template_name, 'run_id': run_id, 'cs_id': cs_id, 'card': card_id, } return data
@login_required @render_to('cards/runid_csid_card.html')
[docs]def cs_runid_csid_calcstats_edit(request, run_id, cs_id, card_id, calcstats_id): """**View for to edit CalcStats card of the CardSequence model.** :Arguments: * *request:* The request is sent to the server when processing the page * *run_id*: ID of the RunBase * *cs_id*: ID of the CardSequence * *card_id*: ID of the card of the CardSequence model * *calcstats_id*: ID of the object of the CardItem model """ title = 'CalcStats Card Edit' calcstats_card = get_object_or_404(CalcStats, pk=calcstats_id) content_type = get_object_or_404(ContentType, app_label='cards', model='calcstats') card_sequence = get_object_or_404(CardSequence, pk=cs_id) try: card_item = get_object_or_404(CardItem, object_id=calcstats_id, content_type=content_type) card_sequence_card = url_form = 'cs_runid_csid_calcstats_edit' template_name = 'gsi/_cs_calcstats_form.html' func = calcstats_update_create # add two forms form_1 = CardSequenceCardForm(instance=card_sequence_card) form_2 = CalcStatsForm(instance=calcstats_card) # create a variable dictionary REVERSE_URL which keep: name of card, the button name and url forwarding REVERSE_URL = { 'calcstats': {'save_button': ['card_sequence_update', [run_id, cs_id]], 'save_and_continue': ['cs_runid_csid_calcstats_edit', [run_id, cs_id, card_id]], 'cancel_button': ['card_sequence_update', [run_id, cs_id]]} } # Handling POST request if request.method == "POST": cs_form = [CardSequenceCardForm, card_sequence_card, card_item] response = get_post(request, CalcStatsForm, 'CalcStats Card', REVERSE_URL['calcstats'], func, args=True, item_id=calcstats_id, cs_form=cs_form) if response == None: return HttpResponseRedirect( u'%s?danger_message=%s' % (reverse('cs_runid_csid_calcstats_edit', args=[run_id, cs_id, card_id, calcstats_id]), (u"CalcStats Card with the same name already exists")) ) if isinstance(response, HttpResponseRedirect): return response else: form_2 = response except ObjectDoesNotExist: return HttpResponseRedirect( u'%s?danger_message=%s' % (reverse('card_sequence_update', args=[run_id, cs_id]), (u'The CalcStats Card "{0}" was removed from Card Sequence "{1}"'.format(, ))) data = { 'title': title, 'form_1': form_1, 'form_2': form_2, 'card_id': calcstats_id, 'url_form': url_form, 'template_name': template_name, 'run_id': run_id, 'cs_id': cs_id, 'card': card_id, } return data