4. Backend

4.1. Project on the server

The path to the project on the server.

$ /home/gsi/sites/gsi_website

4.2. Restart the server from the local computer

Source code the GSi project is in the repository. For the project management need to clone it to your local computer in the home folder:

$ cd /home/[user]
$ git clone https://github.com/gtsarik/GSI.git

After cloning the project you want to add a new file fab_local.py:

$ cd GSI
$ touch fab_local.py

Open the fab_local.py file:

$ vim fab_local.py

and add 3 variables in it:

$ GSI_APP_SERVER = 'gsi@indy4.epcc.ed.ac.uk'
$ REMOTE_CODE_DIR = [remote root folder of the project]
$ ENV_PASS = 'password to login on ssh'

The example for the REMOTE_CODE_DIR variable. The GSi project is along this path: /home/gsi/sites/gsi_website, so REMOTE_CODE_DIR = ‘sites/gsi_website’

Save and close the file fab_local.py. Reboot the server:

$ make restart

4.3. Restart the server remotely

$ ssh gsi@indy4.epcc.ed.ac.uk
$ [enter password]
$ sudo service supervisor restart
$ [enter password]